Jennifer began her writing career as a journalist. She graduated from California State University, Fresno with a degree in English literature and journalism and worked as a crime reporter for the Fresno Bee.
Interested in foreign affairs she traveled to Russia in the late 80’s and lived in London studying art and literature.
After touring much of Europe the hard way, on foot with a backpack, she later returned to Berlin for a foreign correspondents seminar.
While abroad she traveled into the war regions of Croatia and wrote an award winning article on the women and children refugees.
Jennifer raised two daughters on her own after her husband died in a tragic car accident when her children were very young. They lived in Medford, Oregon for twenty years. Both daughter's are grown now and venturing into careers.
Raised as an Air Force brat Jennifer moved around as a child and that wanderlust followed her into adulthood. After living in many U.S. states, Jennifer has settled on the Oregon coast where she lives with her cat, Henry.
Notable interviews as a journalist: President Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister Abba Eban, activist Ralph Nader and authors Isabel Allende and Francine Rivers.

Sweet George was the inspiration for my character 'Reggie' in the McKenna and Riggs series. He was my constant companion for twelve years and he is dearly missed.
Here's to all pug lovers!!!
Meet Henry...my rescue kitty.
While driving along a winding coastal road one dark and stormy day I saw this kitten sitting on the edge of the lane.
The tires narrowly missed him! I turned around and stopped to pick him up. He was about four weeks old, wet and starving. He promptly bit my finger!
Of course I adopted him, happy to add Henry to my family.
He is often my writing companion as you can see!